Campaign Tools


Employee Campaign Coordinator Checklist – 2014

  • Please complete campaign by December 15.
  • Make sure all pledge sheets are signed.
  • Give the top (white) copy of each pledge sheet to United Way, the middle (yellow) copy to your payroll department, and the bottom (pink) copy to the donor.
  • Make sure a “total gift” amount is listed on each pledge sheet.
  • If possible, attach a spreadsheet of givers and payment method.
  • Please don’t staple cash or checks to pledge sheets.
  • If you held a special event that raised cash, please either give us a check for the full amount or convert any coins to currency.  It’s awkward for us to work with coins..
  • For designation requests, please make sure they are requests we can honor – either a partner agency (listed on the brochure), or another United Way.
  • Please completely fill out the campaign envelope.

Contacting United Way

Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions, comments, or concerns

United Way of Coshocton County, Inc.
402 Main Street
P.O. Box 84
Coshocton, Ohio 43812

Lyn Mizer, Executive Director

Phone:  740.622.4567